
便利です!!左上に検索ワード、例えばMichel Jackson といれるとひっかかった曲がリストアップされてジュークボックスになります。


Sano Motoharu (佐野元春)で検索かけたら”baboo bogati - sano sansar”というアジアンポップがひっかかってきて結構いい曲だったりしたので、適当に検索かけて偶然の出会いを楽しんでもよいかも!!。

Nice to search what you want to listen.

Your reference word put in the blank at top left catches the related songs and are listed up like juke box.

Try the word "Michel Jackson"

I tried some Japanese artists name , some songs are listed up but not played.

Anyway I put "Motoharu SAno" and it caught an asian pop ”baboo bogati - sano sansar” and that's nice one and that's nice to meet one!!

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