
*[Life/日常 ]9/23日にトレンチコートシアター@渋谷Plugに行って来ました。謎の殺し屋セルゲイ8世とさすらいのトランぺッターフミエちゃんのサブカルフレーバームンムンの謎のDuoです。



トレンチコートシアター HP http://trenchcoat-theater.com/

にほんブログ村 英語ブログへ

Trenchcoat Theater

I saw Trenchcoat Theater' gig @ SHIBYA Plug on 23 Sept. The mysterious duo group, a hit man Serghei 8th and wandering trumpeter Fumie, has full of Japanese subculture flavor.

They performed a song " Theme for Dr. Outlaw " that I composed and programed, twice, Serghei's version and Fumie's, at the beginning of the show.

I was very happy because they acted and sang along the track very natural. It was , so to speak , an aged repertoire !
I really expect their next move!!