

BGMはラヴィ・シャンカール/The Sounds Of India がなんかお気に入りですね。シタールとタブラのこてこてのインド音楽なんですが、LPレコードなので程よい長さです。


I practice touch typing in these days. It was irritating at first especially A or Z because they are pinky finger part which is hard on its nerve!!! I'm getting used to it and addicted to the practice.

I listen to Ravi Shankar / The Sounds of India. Typical Indian music played by sitar and tabla while practicing it.
It's proper length because it's analog vinyl.

May blind-touch means bl-Indian touch???

Sounds of India

Sounds of India



By the way, you don’t want to look at your hands while you practice

touch- typing.

One good way to do it is that you cover your both typing hands on your keyboard with a towel.

I tried that way and my hands got warm!

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